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Coffee is commodity being second-largest after earth oil that is many traded. The habitual drinking the coffee at coffee stalls while talking about together with friends or business colleges has become a new cultural form that has been many in the society. The more many in the growth of coffee stall industries claimed every firm being active in the industry to be in continuously competition with the competitors. Starbucks Coffee as one of firms selling the coffee largest in the world attempted to continuously show the existence of the firm by improving the employees’ work performance and the product’s performance by applying the ergonomic principles in operating the wheel of the firm’s business.

The employees’ work performance can be made as a reference whether the firm can compete with other firms. The pros and cons of the employees’ performance will have influence on the satisfied or unsatisfied of the customers to be influenced directly to the sale.

This research has an objective to identify how the influence level given by the worker’s work motivation variable and cognitive factor to the work satisfaction as well as its impact on the work performance at Starbucks Coffee. In order to identify how the influence both direct and indirect influence of the actors that have been called, so it has been conducted an analytic test by using a path analytic method.

Based on the result of data processing it has been obtained the entire influence of the research variable is significant. The total influence of Work Motivation (X1) variable and worker’s cognition factor (X2) on work motivation (Y) s 98%, so the remain by 2% is the influence outside of research variable. Whereas the total influences of (X1), (X2), and (Y) on the work performance variable (Z) is 66%.

Key words: Path analysis, Ergonomic, Work Motivation, Employee’s Cognition .


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