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A Record Industry Joke

A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces his altitude and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts,
“Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?”
The man below says, “Yes, you’re in a hot air balloon, hovering 30 feet
above this field.”
“You must work for a record label,” says the balloonist.
“I do,” replies the man. “How did you know?”
“Well,” says the balloonist, “everything you’ve told me is technically correct, but it’s no use to me right now.”
The man below says, “You must be a recording artist.”
“I am,” replies the balloonist, “but how did you know?”
“Well,” says the man, “You don’t know where you are, or where you’re going, but you expect me to be able to help. You’re really in the same position you were before we met, but now it’s my fault.”



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